Well, it looks like my next book is Bubbles in Trouble by Sarah Strohmeyer
. My wife, Karen, said it was good. I remember her laughing while she was reading it. I assuming the laughing means good.
We'll see…
What's happening in my world…
Well, it looks like my next book is Bubbles in Trouble by Sarah Strohmeyer
. My wife, Karen, said it was good. I remember her laughing while she was reading it. I assuming the laughing means good.
We'll see…
Well, I finally sat down and finished this book. The quality of this book was similar to Lydia Adamson's
Dr. Nightingale Races the Outlaw Colt that was reviewed here, but this book's story line had more depth. Adamson's style of jumping between scenes worked well given this story take place in multiple locations.
In this book, we find Dr. Nightingale looking into racehorses as a way to expand her shrinking vet pracitice due the declining dairy business in Hillsbrook in Dutchess County, New York.
Overall, I enjoyed the book. It is a good light read.
I am sitting on the back enjoying the free beer that Brian from the New Knoxville Brewing Company gave Karen and I while in Chattanooga, TN for the Southern Brewers Festival. (Sorry about quality of the web-cam picture)
The New Knoxville Brewing Company has been reborn many times from what the guys working the taps told us. Originally, the brewer was founded in 1886. According the company, beer is brewed in small 25 barrel batches using brick-clad brew kettles and open-top fermentation, which is uncommon in United States.
I have the Traditional Pale Ale and the India Pale Ale. The beers are very true to their styles. I would have to say that I enjoyed to taste of both, but the clarity was so so.
If you are looking for some free music, I would suggest that you hop on over to iTunes and this sample of free music from Scandinavia
The free songs are sponsered by Volvo.
I tried out my first Williams-Sonoma Cooking Class. During the class, we had prepared for us Scrambled Eggs with Tomato, Cheddar, and Basil from Essentials of Healthful Cooking, Apple & Sausage Stir Fry, Monte Cristo Sandwiches from the Williams-Sonoma web site, Spiced Apple Coffee Cake, and a Orange Sherbet Orange.
The class was presented by Chef Maeola Hagerty of Sweet & Savory. Sweet and Savory is a catering company in Huntsville, AL.
The class was great, but the staff had not indicated the amount of food that would be provided so I had eaten before I arrived. Wow, I was stuffed.
The Orange Sherbet Orange was simply a orange half with fruit portion removed and orange Sherbet put in its place. Then, it is topped with chunks of fresh strawberry. It served in a parfait glass.
The Scrambled Eggs with Tomato, Cheddar, and Basil was super. I would have never thought of putting basil in eggs, but this dish provided yet again that I love basil. Drop me a comment for this recipe.
I will be attended a founders day cooking class Sunday, October 2nd.
I have signed up to surf at Typhoon Lagoon during our upcoming vacation. It should be a blast.
I have windsurfed and waterskiied so I think it should a breeze to surf. I don't know if I will do as good as this guy.
If you are looking for a great gift idea, I suggest you take a look at the iPod Nano
This iPod is the smallest model with a screen. It plays all your music and its color screen allows you to flip through your digital pictures.
iLounge was a great review here. Also, you need to checkout iLounge’s free iPod book.
The iPod Nano is the must have item for back to school.
Karen and I had great time at Oktoberfest tonight. The band ended up joining us at our table after their last set. David, Jason, Michael, and Jeff wanted to go out so we suggested they meet us downtown. Terry had to get up early so he declined.
We took them to Humphreys for dinner and then we kicked back outside at the Kaffee Klatsch. We are looking forward to next year’s Oktoberfest.
Karen and I had good selection of Paulaner beer at Redstone MWR's Oktoberfest this year. This year selection was limited to Coors, Becks and Paulaner. Karen and I only sampled the Paulaner beers.
The Paulaner selection included Hefeweizen, Oktoberfest (so course), Salvator, and Premium Pils.
The Premium Pils was a full body pilsner.
The Hefe-Weizen was a cross between a Germany Pilsner and Hefeweizen. It was not too fruity and more lingering in the back of the mouth like a lager. Heavier than a typical Hefeweizen.
The Oktoberfest was malty with very little hop tones. Sweet aroma the prepares the mouth for the sweet maltiness. Similar to the a honey brown, but lighter sweetness and malt.
The Salvator was very malty as a dopple bock should be. It was not dark. Its taste clings to the palate.
Karen and I headed to the art show this weekend. This year’s show primarily featured painting and bead work. We saw Noah and Eddy House from my old neighborhood, too. Noah had some cool art. Here is a sample of our pictures:
This booth was full of beautiful stain glass which would look good outdoors in a garden.
This lady does small frame art of paper and metal with hearts as the theme.
This artist was very free spirited.
This artist had a great idea of painting cards to look like postcards that had been mailed.
You can see more of the Art Show here.