Sweet new iPod Nano

200509220747 If you are looking for a great gift idea, I suggest you take a look at the iPod Nano.

This iPod is the smallest model with a screen. It plays all your music and its color screen allows you to flip through your digital pictures.

iLounge was a great review here. Also, you need to checkout iLounge’s free iPod book.

The iPod Nano is the must have item for back to school.

Last Night at Oktoberfest

Karen and I had great time at Oktoberfest tonight. The band ended up joining us at our table after their last set. David, Jason, Michael, and Jeff wanted to go out so we suggested they meet us downtown. Terry had to get up early so he declined.

We took them to Humphreys for dinner and then we kicked back outside at the Kaffee Klatsch. We are looking forward to next year’s Oktoberfest.

Paulaner Beer

Karen and I had good selection of Paulaner beer at Redstone MWR's Oktoberfest this year. This year selection was limited to Coors, Becks and Paulaner. Karen and I only sampled the Paulaner beers.

The Paulaner selection included Hefeweizen, Oktoberfest (so course), Salvator, and Premium Pils.

The Premium Pils was a full body pilsner.

The Hefe-Weizen was a cross between a Germany Pilsner and Hefeweizen. It was not too fruity and more lingering in the back of the mouth like a lager. Heavier than a typical Hefeweizen.

The Oktoberfest was malty with very little hop tones. Sweet aroma the prepares the mouth for the sweet maltiness. Similar to the a honey brown, but lighter sweetness and malt.

The Salvator was very malty as a dopple bock should be. It was not dark. Its taste clings to the palate.