Train Trip to Colorado

Karen, Katherine, and I headed to Colorado Springs, because of my job.  We decided to take the train with Katherine being so young.  Also, train rides are a lot of fun.

We started out by driving to Dyersburg, Tennessee, which is where my aunts live and it happens to be an Amtrak depot.

We caught the train around midnight with Katherine sleeping through most of it.  It was delightful waving to my aunts on the platform as the train pulled out of the station.

Brian and Katherine on TrainWith Katherine sleeping, the first leg of the trip went quickly.  We have never had her sleep for a long period of time in her car seat, but it didn’t cause any problems.  Karen’s back didn’t have more problem than at home while sleeping.

We had breakfast in our room as we arrived in Chicago.  It was enjoyable seating in our room during breakfast.  We got to see the Sears Tower on the skyline as the city came into sight.

When we arrived in Chicago we finalized our tickets with Amtrak, we dropped our luggage in the Sleeper Car Lounge, and we headed out to see the sights.

We brought our GPS and turned it on to see what attractions were nearby Union Station.  We decided to go see the Sears Tower, which was just couple blocks away.  It ended up being closed due to the lack of visibility, but we later had lunch in the Corner Bakery on the first floor.  We walk over to the Federal Reserve Building and on the way we passed the Chicago Board of Trade.  At the Federal Reserve, we got to see a millions in three different piles including ones, twenties, and hundreds.  The ones made up a 4 by 4 cube; while, the hundreds filled just a brief case.

After lunch, we returned to the station and waited for our train.  The train ride to Denver was nice, too.  We had dinner in the dining car with Katherine.  She gets all of the attention.  In the observation car, Katherine enjoyed the world going by at 80 miles an hour.

The ride from Denver to Colorado Springs was good, because it reminded us of the outlet stores for our return trip to Denver.

While in Colorado Springs, we had fun in the hotel pool, shopped for used mystery books, and Katherine saw snow for the first time.  We enjoyed some good food and even the Colorado Springs Christmas parade.

But, the trip did have some problems.  We all got colds.  Bummer!

We enjoyed our return trip home, which included more snow in Chicago.  My aunts were so nice for helping us with getting to and from the Newbern train station.

We hope to make the trip again, but Karen’s back is our top priority now.

Baby Pictures

We have been snapping pictures everyday since Katherine Elizabeth Allen was born.  Click on the picture below to see them.  To read more, click over to our baby blog.

Click to see more pictures.

St. Patrick’s Day

I suggest that you collect your friends and head to your favorite Irish Pub for Saint Patrick’s Day.  Raise your glass of Guinness and make a toast your friends who couldn’t make to the pub.

Poor follows!
Modern Guinness AdOld Guinness Ad

3rd Annual Firkin Rendezvous

FirkinsI got lucky and was in town for the 3rd Annual Firkin Rendezvous, which was held at Bristol Brewing Company in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Firkin is a term that means 1/4 and is the name of the keg that is a 1/4 of barrel.  This kind of keg is typically used for a Cask Ale, which is the feature of this great event.

I was introduced to Mike Bristol during the event.  He has glad to see that people from Huntsville, Alabama were enjoying the benefit.  I indicated that I try to visit for brewery any time I am in Colorado Springs.

We they had great selection of beer from all around Colorado including Hercules Double IPA from Great Divide Brewing, Double Diff Strong Belgian Wit from Ska Brewing, Churchyard Strong Scotch Ale from Wynkoop Brewing, Blueberry Wheat from Durango Brewing, and any others.  I was glad to see Bristol even had their XXX Warlock Double Imperial Stout on hand.

Karen is pregnant!!

BABY_3Karen and I are going to have a baby girl come around June 22nd!  Our families about freaked out over the news.  They are all excited and providing advice on everything from names to what to expect.

You will be able to keep track of the progress on our baby web page, which you can find here:

We have posted ultrasound movies and pictures.

We are still working on a name.  (It is amazing how hard it is to pick a name!)


Another Year Gone Past

Ball DropThis year was been filled with lots of excitement and many changes.  This coming year looks to be even more exciting on the home front.

Hopefully, this year will be the year of the new house!  We have been busy getting the house ready with painting and patching.  But, we have much more to do to get it ready.